Capacity Booking
2025. 02. 08.
System Users/Associated System Operators wishing to indicate their demand for capacity extension must send the data set out in the relevant Section of the Business Code to FGSZ Ltd.
After examining the new demand, the Company must issue a capacity declaration for the Applicant within 60 calendar days as set out in the law (Section 65(1) of the GSA Implementation Act).
The capacity declaration must contain the technical and financial conditions of fulfilling the demand and the date of implementation.
The outcome of the examination may vary with respect to whether it can be fulfilled:
- no development is necessary, and the demand can be fulfilled from the date requested;
- alteration of an exit/entry point or the construction of a new one is necessary;
- pipeline capacity extension is also necessary in addition to construction/alteration of the exit/entry point;
If the demand can be fulfilled without development, the capacity declaration only serves informational purposes, and the Applicant acknowledges it.
If the demand may only be fulfilled subject to certain financial and/or technical conditions the Applicant agrees to the content of the capacity declaration and makes a declaration within the deadline set out therein. After that, the Company concludes a Development Agreement/Accession Contract with the Associated System Operator, which must contain the conditions and manner of funding and the date by which the capacity will be available. The Cooperation Agreement concluded with the Associated System Operator applying for capacity must be amended in accordance with the increased demand as from the date of availability of the capacity.