EIC code change - UGS-2-SZOREG

2024. 02. 09.

Please be advised that the energy identification code (EIC) of the UGS-2-SZOREG network point will change at 6:00 on 1 March, 2024 on the natural gas transmission system operated by FGSZ Ltd.

The new EIC is: 39ZSZOREG1--FGTZ

We draw your attention to the fact, that the nomination identification codes behind the network point (KEALGYO03FFN, KEALGYO03ONN) remain unchanged, and that the old EIC (21W000000000086O) remains valid at HEXUM Földgáz Zrt. in connection with the usage of the storage system.

Please make the EIC changes in your own systems to ensure a smooth transition.

Should you have any questions, please contact us at Show E-mail address.

Best regards,


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