Non-binding market survey for Hungarian biomethane injection and consumption demand

2024. 09. 10.

We would like to inform you that FGSZ Ltd. has launched a non-binding market survey for market participants regarding Hungarian biomethane production and consumption demand. The deadline for filling in the survey is 10 October 2024. The questionnaire serves informative purposes only, thus any information given is non-binding to either the respondent or to our company regarding any future commitments.

We encourage all biomethane producers and consumers to submit their present or future demand for the interconnected natural gas system, regarding both the high-pressure and the distribution networks.

In case of consumers, the survey offers the opportunity to register demand to purchase biomethane, as well as guarantee of origin (GO) or International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC).

 Your non-binding demand indications can be submitted to our company by filling out the survey available at this link.

FGSZ Ltd. will publish the results of the survey by no later than 10th of November 2024. Market demands may influence our company’s decisions regarding future infrastructural developments in harmony with our decarbonization goals.

Should you have any questions regarding the above procedure, please feel free to contact us at .

Best regards,


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