Change related to MOL Nyrt KT összevont betáplálási pontjai (2/H) network point
2024. 12. 18.
Dear Partner,
Please be advised that at the request of the connecting system operator, the elementary points connected to the network point of ‘MOL Nyrt KT összevont betáplálási pontjai (2/H)’ (Network code: KETELJCS57EN, EIC: 39WKETELJCS57EN5) will be divided into separate network points starting from 1 January 2025.
The details of the new network points are as follows:
- ’MOL összevont betáplálási pont (2/H)’; Network code: KETELJCS59EN, EIC: 39WKETELJCS59ENY;
- ’MOL Babócsa+Endrőd betáplálási pont (2/H)’; Network code: KETELJCS60EN, EIC: 39WKETELJCS60ENS.
Please also be informed that at the same time, starting from 1 January 2025, the network point ‘MOL Nyrt KT összevont betáplálási pontjai (2/H)’ (Network code: KETELJCS57EN, EIC: 39WKETELJCS57EN5) will be terminated.
For further details, please study the Special Contractual Terms and Conditions which is effective from 1 January 2025 and which is available on our company's website. This document also contains additional amendments highlighted in red.
The quality accounting rules of the entry and exit points of the natural gas transmission system for gas year 2024 – 2025 has been modified accordingly. We hereby publish its REV 3 version in pdf, and excel format and published on the website of the company.
The quality accounting rules can be accessed via the following link: