FGSZ has completed its subsystem according to the restriction system plan
2023. 11. 06.
We are pleased to inform our Dear Partners that FGSZ Ltd. has completed its subsystem according to the Restriction System Plan approved by MEKH.
The DSOs and direct transmission pipeline consumers, which have several PODs connected to a single network point, will be able to upload their KORALL type CSV files according to the Restriction System Plan in the Information Platform under the menu item 8.6 ’Limitation allocation’.
The commercial licensees, which supply direct transmission line consumers with 1 POD in connection with a network point, will be able to upload the resctriction master data for the given (1 ) POD (KORTORZS type CSV file) in the Information Platform under 8.5. ‘Limitation master data’ menu item.
Our partners, which upload large files (typically large DSO companies), can request personal SFTP access via FGSZ Customer Support by sending their request to the e-mail address
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, in which they indicate the IP or IP range address from which the call will be made. The FGSZ contact person will then request an official authorization from the contractual contact person of the Partner indicated in the request, so that the indicated IP user can also send data via SFTP access. The web service documentation for the new SFTP connection is available on the FGSZ website in the well-known place (Information Platform > Interface documents) under the heading "
We kindly ask you to test the interfaces and if necessary, the SFTP operation on the IP test system (UAT) before the obligation to provide data required by law (15 November 2023 for Network users, 30 November 2023 for DSOs).
If you have any questions about the operation of the new restriction functions or if you experience any bugs during testing, please let us know via TopDesk.
Thanks to the actors of the gas industry for the joint work so far! We are confident that, despite the rapid pace, from 1 January 2024 we will manage to set up a system that supports security of supply more effectively.
Best regards,