FGSZ Ltd. introduces versions of IP web services containing gas compositions that also contain hydrogen components
2022. 12. 16.
FGSZ Ltd. is committed to the implementation of green transition processes and thus the use of hydrogen produced from carbon-free electricity and mixed into natural gas for energy storage purposes. As another milestone, the interfaces containing the gas compositions of the Information Platform have been supplemented with data on the hydrogen component.
The documentation of the new web service can be found on the menu of FGSZ website (Information Platform > Interface documents):
- for the connected network operators under ‘IP interface for NNO planned from 28 February 2023’ and
- for network users under ‘IP Interface for NU planned from 28 February 2023’.
We kindly ask our partners, which are currently using an interface containing a gas composition to test the modified interface on the IP test system (UAT) before the planned activation of the web service on 28 February 2023, and to prepare their own systems for the changed operation.
Should you have any questions about the operation of the new web service or if you experience any disorder during testing, please let us know via TopDesk.
We hope that the developments will promote the spread of hydrogen blending.