International FAQ on hydrogen transmission and storage

2024. 04. 24.

Since the hydrogen strategy of the European Union has been published last year, the possible utilisation of hydrogen in the energy sector has gained much attention. At the same time, many questions have also arisen regarding its realisation. To answer these questions, ENTSOG, Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE), and Hydrogen Europe assembled an informative material focusing on the possibilities of transporting and storing hydrogen.     

Hydrogen technologies will surely be needed to achieve climate neutrality as well: hydrogen or hydrogen-natural gas mixes can be delivered to long distances through the existing infrastructure, while inter-season energy storage can be solved by utilising storage capacities. FGSZ examines through projects and professional co-operations (e.g. the European Hydrogen Backbone, to which we have joined this year), how hydrogen transmission can be realised on Hungarian natural gas system.

The material is available on the following link:

How to transport and store hydrogen – facts and figures (

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