Non-binding market survey for Hydrogen transmission capacity for interconnection points, Hungarian hydrogen production and consumption points

2023. 07. 25.

Dear Partners,

We hereby would like to inform you that FGSZ Ltd. launches a non-binding market survey for hydrogen transmission capacity for future interconnection (IP) and for future Hungarian hydrogen production and consumption exit points until 15 September 2023.

We encourage all potential hydrogen producers, consumers, and shippers to submit their demand indicating Hungarian production, consumption, import, export, and cross-country delivery demand via Hungary.

The submitted demand could lay the foundation and shape the possible hydrogen infrastructure developments, the draft plans so far can be found on the following pages:,

Your non-binding demand indications can be submitted by filling out the survey sheet available at this link and sent to our company.

Furthermore, the non-binding demand will only be considered if network users submit their non-binding demand to both concerned Transmission System Operators (TSOs) on the given IP. Should it not be the same legal entity submitting the demand on both sides of an interconnection point, but a shipper pair instead, the name of the shipper pair and its submitted demand also needs to be disclosed to FGSZ, using the excel template.

Within 6 weeks after closing the capacity survey, but until 1 November 2023, the latest, FGSZ Ltd. will publish the results in the respective demand assessment reports, in case of interconnection points in agreement with the adjacent TSOs.  

Survey sheets filled in with non-binding demand indications shall be submitted to  by 15 September 2023. Should you have any queries regarding the above procedure, please feel free to contact us at this e-mail address as well.

Yours sincerely,


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