3.1.2. a) Detailed and comprehensive description of the different services offered and their charges
Services according to our Business Code
Classification |
Basic services for network usage fee |
Connection services for connection fee defined in the Tariff Decree |
Services for specific fee defined in the Tariff Decree |
Optional services provided for fee specified in Business Code |
Transmission services pursuant to TAR NC |
- defining and publishing available capacity
- concluding Network usage contracts
- ensuring measurements with the required accuracy
- carrying out capacity booking
- bilateral capacity transactions
- receiving and processing nominations
- carrying out natural gas transmission tasks in accordance with the Network Users’ nominations and the network usage contracts
- defining the quantity of the received-delivered natural gas, allocation
- usage of Informatic Platform
- basic data supply
- representing the interconnected natural gas system in the international professional organizations
Nontransmission services pursuant to TAR NC |
- title transfer service
- data services requested beside the data traffic related to the basic data supply
Services pursuant to BAL NC |
- balancing service (which includes the settlement of balancing natural gas)
- line pack flexibility service provided from the 10 000 MWh flexiblity line pack
Services pursuant to CAM NC |
- activities resulting from the submission of non-binding demand indications
Fees of services: ,
Multiplicators applied during capacity booking
Other charges and terms
Discount of interruptible capacities