3.1.2 (d) Harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system, including the definition of key terms
“the harmonized procedures applied when using the transmission system, including the definition of key terms;”
The procedure of the general use of the transmission system:
Pursuant to the provisions of the Gas Supply Act and the Implementation Decree the free capacities of the natural gas network may and shall be offered to network users and booked pursuant to the Network Code by the transmission system operator (TSO) in case of the natural gas transmission network, by the natural gas distributor in case of the natural gas distribution system, and by the licensed operator of the natural gas storage facility in case of the natural gas storage system.
Available capacities on the entry/exit points of the connected systems shall be published by the relevant system operators and harmonised prior to publication. Available capacities shall be offered by the TSO:
in the form of standard capacity products stipulated in the Article 9 of the Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 or
in the form of non-standard capacity products stipulated in the Clause 8.3 of the Network Code.
With respect to entry/exit points of the natural gas transmission pipeline where network users intend to book capacity, capacity booking shall take place on the Capacity Booking Platform (RBP) operated by FGSZ Ltd pursuant to the allocation mechanism stipulated in the Regulation (EU) No. 984/2013.
The terms and conditions of capacity allocation and booking, and also the conclusion of the network usage contracts shall be defined in the Regulation (EU) 984/2013, the applicable sections of the Gas Supply Act ,the Implementation Decree, the Capacity Booking Platform Operational Rules and the Business Code of the TSO.
The rules concerning capacity booking are accessible in EU publications, chapter 3.1.2 (a).
With respect to cross-border entry/exit points and storage facility entry/exit points the commencement date of the transmission network capacity allocation procedures shall be defined in the auction calendar of ENTSOG, while the commencement date of the capacity allocation auctions regarding other entry/exit points shall be defined in the auction calendar stipulated in relevant annex of the Implementation Decree.
The FGSZ Ltd.'s current auction calendar is accessible here .
The rules stipulated in this chapter shall not apply to the sale of the capacity at entry/exit points to be created in the future on the natural gas transmission network and offered
prior to the construction of the relevant capacity within the so-called "open season" procedure approved by the Authority in advance or under another equivalent procedure.
The most important terms and definitions:
Auction calendar: the definition under the point 2, Article 3. of the Regulation (EU) 984/2013
Entry –Exit point: the definition under the point 1b. § 3. of Gas Supply Act
EIC code: „Energy Identification Coding scheme", a unique identification coding network that usage for automatic communication between energy market participants to identify the subject of the communication.
ENTSO-G: The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas facilitating the cooperation of its members
Reverse of physical flow capacity (back haul): the definition under the point y) 2. § of the Tariff Decree.
Gas year: the definition under the point 36, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act
Gas month: the definition under the point 6, § 1 of the Implementation Decree
Gas day: the definition under the point 7, chapter 3, of the Regulation 984/2013/EU
Interconnection Entry-Exit points: shall mean the network point on which gas transmission is realised across the Hungarian border.
Title transfer service: shall mean the transferring of the title of a given natural gas volume at a physical or virtual point of the natural gas transmission system or at physical point of the distribution system
Capacity: definition under the point 42, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act
Capacity auction: a procedure conducted according to the Regulation (EU) 984/2013, the Capacity Booking Platform Regulation and the System Operators' Rules based upon which a market based capacity allocation is realised.
Capacity Booking Platform: the definition under the point 43, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act
Bundled capacity: definition under the point 4. chapter 3 of the Regulation (EU) 984/2013
Network Usage Contract: the definition under the point 51, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act
Network User: the definition under the point 51a, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act
Available capacity: the definition under the point 53, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act