3.4. (2) Products and relevant registration, acceptation times on the secondary capacity market

Bilateral transactions – transfer of use Capacity transfer
  • For yearly, quarterly, monthly, daily, within-day products, for any period of them
  • Initiating at RBP Application
  • Valid and effective Network Usage Framework Contract during the transaction and for the entire duration of the transferred capacity.
  • Bundled capacity must remain bundled during the transaction
  • The capacity fee and auction fee are paid by the Transferor, the fees related to the use of capacity, ie. volume fee, odorization fee, capacity overrun surcharge, nomination difference surcharge are paid by the Recipient.
  • Initiating of transaction no later than 3 hours before the start of the product, acceptance of transaction no later than 2 hours before the start of the product.
  • Possibility/obligation to fix auction premium
  • For yearly, quarterly, monthly product, from the 1st day of a given month until the end of the usage period of the transferred capacity. In case of monthly product, it can be initiated before the start of the product.
  • Valid and effective Network Usage Framework Contract during the transaction and for the entire duration of the transferred capacity.
  • Transfer of contract including transfer of use.
  • Initiating at RBP Application (in case bundled capacity for Mosonmagyaróvár AT>HU at IP Application.)
  • The capacity fee, auction fee, as well as fees related to the use of capacity, ie. volume fee, odorization fee, capacity overrun surcharge, nomination difference surcharge are paid by the Recipient.
  • Capacity transfer shall be requested no later than the beginning of the 4th business day prior to the entry force of the transfer.
  • Any auction premium is transferred automatically in proportion to the capacity transferred.
  • In case of bundled capacity the transfer shall be approved by the neighbouring TSO too at RBP.
Capacity market transactions – transfer of use Customer migration
  • For yearly, quarterly, monthly, daily, within-day products, for any period of them
  • Initially anonymous
  • Offer type can be ‚Sell’ or ‚Buy’
  • Initiating at RBP Application
  • Valid and effective Network Usage Framework Contract during the transaction and for the entire duration of the transferred capacity.
  • In case of firm product first the yearly, then quarterly, monthly, daily, within-day capacity can be transferred from the Seller’s portfolio
  • In case of interruptible product first the daily, then monthly, quarterly, yearly capacity can be transferred from the Seller’s portfolio.
  • Initiating of transaction no later than 3 hours before the start of the product, acceptance of transaction no later than 2 hours before the start of the product.
  • Possibility/obligation to fix auction premium.
  • For yearly, quarterly, monthly product, from the 1st day of a given month until the end of the usage period of the transferred capacity.
  • Valid and effective Network Usage Framework Contract during the transaction and for the entire duration of the transferred capacity.
  • Transfer of contract including transfer of use.
  • Initiating at RBP Application.
  • The capacity fee, auction fee, as well as fees related to the use of capacity, ie. volume fee, odorization fee, capacity overrun surcharge, nomination difference surcharge are paid by the Recipient.
  • Capacity transfer shall be requested no later than the beginning of the 4th business day prior to the entry force of the transfer.
  • Any auction premium is transferred automatically in proportion to the capacity transferred.
  • In case of bundled capacity the transfer shall be performed at the neighbouring TSO as well at RBP Application.