3.1.2. m) Methodology for calculating technical capacities of the gas transmission system​

2022. 08. 03.

​“Transmission system operators shall publish at least the following information about their systems and services:

(m) transmission system operators shall publish a detailed and comprehensive description of the methodology and process, including information on the parameters employed and the key assumptions, used to calculate the technical capacity.”

Determination of the capacity on the natural gas transmission system in line with the Section of the Operation and Business Code of the Hungarian Natural Gas System (OBC)

a) The following capacities shall be determined for the transmission system:

i. hourly technical capacity at the entry point (kWh/hour);
ii. hourly technical capacity at the exit point (kWh/hour);

b) The transmission system operator shall establish the feasibility of the submitted natural gas delivery demands with reliance on mathematical modelling and hydraulic simulation (hydraulic analysis).
c) Pursuant to EU laws, the neighbouring transmission system operators shall consult on their interconnection point capacities by 31 March each year.
d) The technical capacity value of a given network point determined for 0 °C and expressed in m3/hour shall be translated to kWh/hours in the Quality Accounting Rules based on the gross calorific value published for the given point, by rounding the kWh/hour value to a whole number in accordance with the rules of rounding.
e) The technical capacity shall be determined based on hydraulic characteristics in addition to geometrical ones, for entry and exit points.
f) In relation to the hydraulic properties, the maximum capacity and pressure data of the neighbouring networks (underground storages, import inlet points, entry points of domestic production) are determined for the period under review.

Operation and usage rules of the Hungarian Virtual Trading Point (MGP) in line with the Section 2.1.8. of the OBC

c) The capacity of the “Hungarian Virtual Trading Point (MGP)”as a virtual point shall be available without restrictions.

Publishing available capacities in line with the Section of the OBC

a) The transmission system operator shall publish the technical firm (including conditional) capacities and technical interruptible capacities in both flow directions as well as available capacities on its website as follows:

i. the available capacities and capacities booked for the given month in a daily breakdown, for at least the past 5 years;
ii. in a monthly breakdown for at least 18 months in advance, with at least monthly updates;
iii. in an annual breakdown for the additional gas years, for 10 years in advance, with monthly updates;
iv. daily updates of the availability of short-term services (offered for the next day);
v. capacities offered for the next hour.

b) The transmission system operator shall ensure that the aggregate value of the capacities offered on the secondary market and booked in contract are disclosed in a daily breakdown and the disclosed data is updated on a daily basis, provided that such data is available to the transmission system operator. The disclosure shall contain the following:

i. the identification of the network point where the capacity was sold;
ii. the type of capacity: entry or exit, firm (including conditional) or interruptible;
iii. the quantity and duration of capacity usage rights;
iv. the type of transaction: transfer, assignment etc.;
v. the total number of transactions/transfers.

c) The transmission system operator shall ensure that the aggregate value of the capacities released in congestion management procedures under contract is disclosed in a daily breakdown and the disclosed data is updated on a daily basis, provided that such data is available to the transmission system operator. The disclosure shall contain the following:

i. the identification of the entry-exit point where the congestion management procedure took place;
ii. the type of capacity: entry or exit, bundled or individual;
iii. the quantity and duration of the change in capacity usage rights;
iv. the type of transaction:

- versubscription and buy-back scheme,
- one-gas-day firm use-it-or-lose-it mechanism,
- surrender of booked capacity,
- long-term use-it-or-lose-it mechanism.

v.the total number of transactions.

d) The information and documents specified in paragraphs a) to c) above shall be retained by the transmission system operator for all relevant points for at least the past 5 years.
e) Regarding the standard and non-standard firm (including conditional) capacities, the transmission system operator shall announce the available capacities to be offered at the respective capacity auctions by the deadlines specified in the Regulation (EU) 2017/459 or, where relevant deadline is not provided in such Regulation, by the deadlines as per the Capacity Booking Platform Regulation.