List of hungarian legislation

Act XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply

Act XLVIII of 1993 on Mining

Act XXVI of 2006 on Emergency Natural Gas Reserves

Government Decree No 203/1998 (XII.19.) implementing Act XLVIII of 1993 on mining

Government Decree No 19/2009. (I. 30.) on the implementation of the provisions laid down in Act XL of 2008

Government Decree No 296/2015 (X.13.) on final natural gas emergency service and the procedure applicable as a result of a situation threatening the natural gas supply of the consumers in the case of impossibility of the natural gas dealer’s operation

NFM (Ministry for National Development) Decree No 13/2015. (III.31.) on the size of the emergency natural gas reserve

GKM (Ministry of Economy and Transport) Decree No 79/2005. (X. 11.) on safety requirements of hydrocarbon transport pipelines and on publishing the Safety Code of hydrocarbon transport pipelines

GKM Decree No 86/2003. (XII. 16.) on the order of data reporting of the specific natural gas industry undertakings

MEKH (Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority) Decree No 1/2014 (III.4.) on the rate of the administrative service fees of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority and the rules of collection, management, registration and refunding of the administrative service and supervision fees and other revenues

MEKH Decree No 8/2016. (X. 13.) on the framework rules of determining natural gas system use charges, separate charges and connection charges 

MEKH Decree No 8/2019. (VII. 12.) on the applicability of rules on interconnection points with third countries
MEKH Decree No 11/2016 (XII.14.) on the rules of application of natural gas system use charges, separate charges and connection charges
MEKH Decree No 13/2016. (XII. 20.) on the rate of natural gas system use charges, separate charges and connection charges

MEKH Decree No 11/2017. (VIII. 25.) on the scope of data to be reported by entities subject to regular data reporting obligation, the requirements relating to the manner of performance, the deadline of the data reporting obligation and the entry into force of MEKH Decree No 8/2016. (X. 13.) on the framework rules of determining natural gas system use charges, separate charges and connection charges, MEKH Decree No 11/2016 (XII.14.) on the rules of application of natural gas system use charges, separate charges and connection charges and MEKH Decree No 7/2017 (VII. 13.) amending MEKH Decree No 13/2016. (XII. 20.) on the rate of natural gas system use charges, separate charges and connection charges with a different text

The Hungarian regulations are available only in Hungarian here .