Binding phase of incremental capacity process – IP Csanádpalota (RO>HU) 1 May 2024

2024. 05. 01.

The Hungarian TSO, FGSZ Ltd. (FGSZ) and the Romanian TSO, Transgaz S.A. (Transgaz) propose the development of existing interconnection capacities at Csanádpalota (RO>HU) interconnection point (IP) (EIC: 21Z000000000236Q).

In the incremental capacity process TSOs are announcing an incremental capacity auction, which will start at 9.00 (CET) on 1 July 2024.

The documents related to the auction (Joint notice, Project proposal, Rulebook, sample of Contract) are available on FGSZ’s website and Transgaz’ website. Please be informed that the content of the documentation is subject to the coordinated decision issued by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority and the Romanian National Regulatory Authority (ANRE), which will be published by the transmission system operators immediately upon receipt, together with any changes to the documentation.



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