Information about temporary changes of invoice sending process

2020. 03. 16.

Dear Partner, 

We would like to inform you that our Company has ordered home office from March 16, 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak and we are asking for your support to ensure that our business can continue to run smoothly.

We would like to ask you to forward all your financial postal items (invoices, letters, etc.) online as of today (in pdf format) to the following email address:

In addition, we inform you that invoices issued by FGSZ Zrt. will be forwarded to you electronically from today, provided that you indicate this need to us at the following email address:

Please accept and treat these documents as originals. Of course, we will also try to send the originals to you as soon as possible.

Please send your other deliveries relating to network usage to the following email address:


If you have any questions or requests for assistance, please contact your contract person or FGSZ Zrt. Customer Service at the following contact details:

  • Telephone: +36-84-505-117
  • Fax: +36-84-505-592
  • E-mail: 

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation,

 Kind regards,

 FGSZ Ltd, Directorate of Finance and Management

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