Non-binding market demand assessment for incremental capacity (Tornyiszentmiklós, HU-SI)
2018. 09. 06.
Dear Partners,
Please be infomed that FGSZ and Plinovodi d.o.o. launch a non-binding market demand assessment for incremental capacity for the planned Tornyiszentmiklós interconnection point (HU-SI bidirectional capacity) as of 06.09.2018. According to Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 Articles 26-28 respective TSOs conduct the market demand assessment.
Partners are encouraged to indicate their non-binding market demand by filling in the incremental capacity survey sheet (on this link) by 03.10.2018 at the latest.
FGSZ Ltd in agreement with adjacent TSO Plinovodi d.o.o. will publish the results in a Demand Assessment Report (DAR).
We kindly ask you to fill out the survey and send your questions, if any to
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. Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,