The Annual Work Schedule for Hungarian Gas Transmission System of 2023 has been published
2023. 01. 13.
Dear Partners,
The Annual Work Schedule of 2023 has been published.
Maintenance plan of storages is also available on Maintenance Plan, Outages.
The missing DSO related data will be published when received.
For better transparency, we list planned reductions on Interconnection points.
- 0% of the technical capacity will be available during 10:00 25.04.2023 – 18:00 25.04.2023 Drávaszerdahely (CR>HU) (GEDRAVAS1IIN) Elementary Point.
- 0% of the technical capacity will be available during 10:00 25.04.2023 – 18:00 25.04.2023 Drávaszerdahely (HU>CR) (GEDRAVAS1HHN) Elementary Point.
- 0% of the technical capacity will be available during 12:00 20.06.2023 – 12:00 22.06.2023 Mosonmagyaróvár (AT>HU) (KAMOSONM1IIN) Elementary Point.
- 0% of the technical capacity will be available during 06:00 07.09.2023 – 16:00 08.009.2023 Balassagyarmat (HU>SK) (VEBALASS2HHN) Elementary Point.
The Gas Connect Austria makes maintenance work on its own system from 6:00 on 20.06.2023 to 12:00 on 20.06.2023. 0% of the technical capacity will be available on the Austrian side of HAG.
The actual sheets are available on our website: Maintenance Plan, Outages
Best Regards,