3.1.2. (d) The harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system, including the definition of key terms

2025. 02. 05.

The harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system: https://fgsz.hu/en/for-business/network-users 
Definition of key terms

ACER: Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators)

ACER code: code issued by the territorially competent national regulatory authority for the purpose of identifying the data to be provided to ACER

Allocation: the definition of Business and Commercial Code

Auction calendar: the definition under the point 2, Article 3. of the Regulation (EU) 984/2013

Available capacity: the definition under the point 53, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act

Bundled capacity: definition under the point 4. chapter 3 of the Regulation (EU) 984/2013.

Capacity: definition under the point 42, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act

Capacity Booking Platform: the definition under the point 43, § 3 of the Gas Supply Ac

Capacity auction: a procedure conducted according to the Regulation (EU) 984/2013, the Capacity Booking Platform Regulation and the System Operators' Rules based upon which a market-based capacity allocation is realised.

CEREMP: Centralised European Registry for Energy Market Participants

EIC code: „Energy Identification Coding scheme", a unique identification coding network that usage for automatic communication between energy market participants to identify the subject of the communication.

Entry-exit point: the definition under the point 1b. § 3. of Gas Supply Act

ENTSO-G: The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas facilitating the cooperation of its members

Gas day: the definition under the point 7, chapter 3, of the Regulation 984/2013/EU

Gas month: the definition under the point 6, § 1 of the Implementation Decree

Gas year: the definition under the point 36, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act

Interconnection Entry-Exit points: shall mean the network point on which gas transmission is realised across the Hungarian border.

Network Usage Contract: the definition under the point 51, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act

Network User: the definition under the point 51a, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act

Nomination: the definition under the point 50, § 3 of the Gas Supply Act

Title transfer service: Shall mean the transferring of the title of a given natural gas volume at a physical or virtual point of the natural gas transmission system or at physical point of the distribution system

Reverse flow capacity: capacity that enables a non-physical transmission of natural gas used by the system operator to perform the nomination in the opposite direction to the physical flow by offsetting the transmission task in the direction of physical flow.

User: the definition under the point 17. § 3. of Gas Supply Act

Further definitions:

OBC and Business Code