3.1.2 (g) Rules on balancing and methodology for the calculation of imbalance charges

Rules on balancing and methodology for the calculation of imbalance 

Price of balancing gas

Proposal ​document related to the introduction of the within- day obligations

Accounting of the amount of the result related to countervailing measures

The transmission system operator shall not make profits or losses in relation to its balancing activity, the accounting of the related balancing gas flows and the reception of costs related to the provision of the balancing activity, as defined in Chapter VII of Regulation (EU) No 312/2014.

  • Accordingly, for each gas day, when closing the given gas day the transmission system operator shall record and account the balancing cost neutrality charge with network users, which shall include the following items:
  • The amount of profit realised on the natural gas purchased and sold to secure the system-wide hydraulic balance on the given gas day and the amount of profit realised on the natural gas purchased and sold in the commercial balancing settlement when closing the given gas day.
  • Costs recognised in relation to the membership of the transmission system operator in the organised natural gas market and the trading platform.

Financing costs incurred for balancing gas stocks and the holding of security deposits with the clearing house related to the activity.

The detailed settlement process is described in Chapter of the Operation and Business Code of the Hungarian Natural Gas System.