Capacity Booking

Capacity booking - What?

Capacity products
Yearly Quarterly Monthly Daily Within-day
Bundled Unbundled Bundled Unbundled Bundled Unbundled Bundled Unbundled Bundled Unbundled
Frim Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interruptible Yes Yes Yes Yes


Capacity products
Bundled Unbundled
FIRM Yes Yes
Bundled Unbundled
FIRM Yes Yes
Bundled Unbundled
FIRM Yes Yes
Bundled Unbundled
FIRM Yes Yes
Bundled Unbundled
FIRM Yes Yes

(exception: Beregdaróc 800)

Bunded capacity: bounded capacity on both sides of a given interconnection point based on CAM NC (one auction, two contracts)

*The product can be booked via capacity auction for VIP Bereg HU>UA network point and via overnomination at Mosonmagyaróvár HU>AT network point and other network points, where the firm capacity is sold out.

Capacity booking - Auction calendar

The Auction calendar regarding capacity auctions between 1st March 2024 and 28th February 2025 is accessible HERE .

The Auction calendar regarding capacity auctions between 1st March 2024 and 28th February 2026 is accessible HERE .

The capacities to be auctioned via the Regional Booking Platform are accessible in the RBP Portal in all cases.

Capacity booking - Where?

Regional Booking Platform
Internet-based, electronic capacacity trading platform
Capacity allocation mechanisms regarding 459/2017/EU (CAM NC)
Free access to network users
Electronic certificate-based registration and access
RBP Application: RBP securely accessible software environment
RBP Portal: RBP internet-based openly accessible publication and information website 
Test environment of RBP Application
Applicable rule: Operational Rules of the RBP
Applied time zone: UTC (UTC-CET difference is in summer -2, in winter -1 hour)
Network user connecting: by concluding the Network User Membership Agreement

Capacity booking - When?

According to Auction Calendar
Auction calendar : the starting date of the auctions from March of a given calendar year till the end of February of the forthcoming calendar year
Legal background: ENTSO-G Auction calendar, Hungarian Gas Act, Implementation Decree of Hungarian Gas Act
Publication of auction data: RBP Portal

Capacity booking - How?

Via Capacity auction
Ascending Clock algorithm
Uniform Price algorithm
Yearly capacity
Quarterly capacity
Monthly capacity
Daily capacity
Within-day capacity
Several bidding rounds:
- First bidding round: 3 hours
- Each additional round is 1 hour, including 1 hour break
- Bidding rounds run on working days between 9.00 and 18.00
On bidding round: 30 minutes
Auctions start in the afternoon
preceding the given gas day
Auctions start:
four hours before the start of the product
For each bidding round, the reserve price is given in %
Freely setting up the price, no price steps,
Evaluation of bids by price, the highest price ranking first
Large Price Step (LPS), Small Price Step (SPS)
It is possible to submit Minimum quantity
LPS is the integer multiple of SPS
Network User may submit 10 bids as a maximum
Purpose of LPS is to shorten the auction process
Purpose of SPS is to maximize sold capacity
Clearing price: the price of lowest successful bid
Further info: CAM NC, Operational Rules of RBP
Via Capacity auction
Ascending Clock algorithm
Yearly capacity Quarterly capacity Monthly capacity
Several bidding rounds:
- First bidding round: 3 hours
- Each additional round is 1 hour, including 1 hour break
- Bidding rounds run on working days between 9.00 and 18.00
For each bidding round, the reserve price is given in %
Large Price Step (LPS), Small Price Step (SPS)
Purpose of LPS is to shorten the auction process
Purpose of SPS is to maximize sold capacity
Uniform Price algorithm
Daily capacity Within-day capacity
On bidding round: 30 minutes
Auctions start in the afternoon
preceding the given gas day
Auctions start:
four hours before the start of the product
Freely setting up the price, no price steps,
Evaluation of bids by price, the highest price ranking first
It is possible to submit Minimum quantity
Network User may submit 10 bids as a maximum
Clearing price: the price of lowest successful bid
Further info: CAM NC, Operational Rules of RBP

Capacity booking - At what cost?

At capacity fee optional auction fee
Tariffs and fees 2024
Tariff calculator from 1 October 2024
Historical data
Clearing fee = reserve price (tariff) + auction fee (in case of oversubscription)
Other fees related to using of capacities

Capacity booking - Under what conditions?

Conditions of auction participation

Proper financial background. General information about securities:

Risk management system

Limit handling

For gas year 2024/2025: Security calculator for yearly capacities, Security calculator - quarterly

Financial Security Calculator for RO>HU incremental process

Contractual background: RBP Registration, Network User Membership Agreement, Network Usage Framework Contract, till 15.00 2 working days prior to the given auction (IP and RBP registration)
Signing of Amendement No. 1 of the Network User Membership Agreement in the case of a planned transaction at the Mosonmagyaróvár interconnecton point
Submission of trading licence or limited trading licence issued by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH) till 15.00 2 working days prior to the given auction or Declaration in case of transit through Hungary or in case of stroage in the underground gas storage facility  - point II.5.6.2.(d)  of BC
Obtaining clearing membership and clearing right at KELER CCP

Capacity booking - Cases of capacity modification

Bilateral transactions:
  • For yearly, quarterly, monthly, daily, within-day products, for any period of them
  • Transfer of use
  • Further detailed information here
Customer migration:
  • Yearly capacity products 
  • Transfer of contract AND Transfer of use 
  • Further detailed information here
Capacity market transactions:
  • Initially anonymous
  • Offer type can be ‚Sell’ or ‚Buy’
  • For yearly, quarterly, monthly, daily, within-day products, for any period of them
  • Transfer of use
  • Further detailed information here
Capacity transfer:
  • For yearly, quarterly, monthly products
  • Transfer of contract AND Transfer of use
  • Further detailed information here
Result of CMP:
  • Surrender of booked capacity
  • Capacity Increase by Oversubscription and Buy-Back Arrangements
  • Further detailed information here
Result of CMP:
  • Short Term Use It or Lose It
  • Long Term Use It or Lose It
  • Further detailed information here
Capacity conversion:
  • Converting unbundled yearly, quarterly, monthly products into bundled product 
  • Further detailed information here

Capacity booking - Cases of special capacity booking

At cross border and storage points
Transaction resulting  interruptible within-day capacity booking
Where: Informatic Platform
10 million HUF financial limit as a minimum
Open Season
A non-standard procedure for booking capacities of a non-existent facility.
Info: here  and here
Incremental capacity auction
A process that leads to capacity booking for a non-existent facility through standard CAM NC auctions.