EU Regulations

In compliance with the provisions of  the Chapter 3 of Annex I. to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council the relevant information published by FGSZ Ltd. is accessible here:

3.1.2. a) Services offered and their charges
3.1.2. b) Different types of transportation contracts
3.1.2. c) Network code, standard conditions outlining the rights and responsibilities of all network users
3.1.2. d) Harmonised procedures in connection with transmission system, including the definition of key terms
3.1.2. e) Provisions on capacity allocation, congestion management and anti-hoarding and reutilisation procedures​
3.1.2. f) Rules applicable for capacity trade on the secondary market vis-à-vis the transmission system operator​
3.1.2. g)​ Rules on balancing and methodology for the calculation of imbalance charges​  
3.1.2. h) Flexibility and tolerance levels
3.1.2. i) Descriptions of the points of the gas transmission system, names of the operators of the interconnected systems​
3.1.2. j) Rules applicable for connection to the system operated by the transmission system operator​
3.1.2. k) Information on emergency mechanisms

3.1.2. m) Methodology for calculating technical capacities of the gas transmission system
3.3. (1) a) Technical capacity of gas transmission points in both directions​
3.3. (1) b) Contracted interruptible and non-interruptible capacities in both directions at all points of the gas transmission system​
3.3. (1) c) Nominations and re-nominations in both directions​
3.3. (1) d) Available firm and interruptible capacity in both directions​
3.3. (1) e) Actual physical flows
3.3. (1) f) Planned and actual interruption of interruptible capacity
3.3. (1) g)Planned and unplanned interruptions to firm services due to maintenance, restoration information   
3.3. (1) h) Occurrence of unsuccessful, legally valid requests for firm capacity products with a duration of one month or longer including the number and volume of the unsuccessful requests​   
3.3. (1) i) In the case of auctions, where and when firm capacity products with a duration of one month or longer have cleared at prices higher than the reserve price​   
3.3. (1) j) Where and when no firm capacity product with a duration of one month or longer has been offered in the regular allocation process
3.3. (1) k) Total capacity made available through the application of the congestion-management procedures laid down in points 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 per applied congestion-management procedure
3.3. (4) Daily WOBBE measures at points
3.3. (5) Physical, available and booked capacities subject to the current, and the next 10 years
3.4. (1) Offered and contracted capacities on the secondary capacity market
3.4. (2) Products and relevant registration, acceptation times on the secondary capacity market
3.4. (3) Network user imbalance and relevant cost data
3.4. (4) Other flexible service not on the occasion of tolerance
3.4. (5) Gas amount per balancing zone in the transmission system​   
3.4. (6) User friendly instruments for calculating tarifs  

Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (hereinafter referred to as: TAR NC) entered into force on April 6, 2017. In order to ensure the transparency of the calculation of the tariffs TAR NC required that a significant amount of data shall be published during the tariff setting process. In Hungary, in accordance with the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority’s (hereinafter referred to as: Authority) decision, published in resolution 5517/2017., this publication requirement is fulfilled by the Authority and can be downloaded from the website of the Authority: 

Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (hereinafter referred to as: TAR NC) entered into force on April 6, 2017. In order to ensure the transparency of the calculation of the tariffs TAR NC requires that a significant amount of data shall be published before the tariff period. In Hungary, in accordance with the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority’s (hereinafter referred to as: Authority) decision, published in resolution 9583/2018., this publication requirement is fulfilled by the Authority and is available on the following site: